Catalogue Creation Information
You can choose from OCR, PDF and / or HTML formats for your catalogue. We can combine the formats to put everything together according to your needs and your end goal.
If you plan to use your Digital Catalogue primarily for internet purposes we suggest that it be HTML based. This will allow you to use PDF and HTML documents on the internet, on your internal network and in any browser with or without an internet connection.
If you intend to use it as a sales tool, trade show / exhibition hand out, in place of a printed catalogue, we recommend a PDF based catalogue that allows the inclusion of OCR files. PDF is a universal format and will run on any computer.
Since each Digital Catalogue is unique, the layout will be done to your specifications. We can mirror an existing print version and add full functionality to the order forms, sample request forms or any other forms you choose to include. Once this portion is completed, we can add your corporate presentation or any other additional information that you want to make a part of your catalogue.
Digital Files: If you already have existing digital files for all the information that will be used in your catalogue, we can convert them from whatever format they are in to the format you want to use. Digital files are preferred because they make the process faster, and in most cases provide superior image when quality compared with scanning. Additionally, digital files generally require less re-touching than scanned images.
Links: Your catalogue will be comprised of links from page to page, index to product and image or form to action. These links will behave in the same manner the links on this website work as you move from page to page. This allows you to launch your corporate video presentation from CD by clicking on an icon, a button, a word, an image, a logo, or just moving from one page to another. These same methods will allow special offers to be displayed, company contact information, software samples, music samples, quicktime movies, more detailed product information. The list goes on and on.
What will it look like ? It will look as crisp and glossy as your printed catalogue. You can opt for a black and white version or a full colour version. If your catalogue is already full colour or a mix of full colour and black and white, it will stay that way in digital form.
How many pages can I have ? If your digital catalogue is comprised of 8½ x 11 full colour pages, you will be able to fit approximately 300 pages on a single CD.
Another method of determining how much information can be fit on a CD is to use the following guide to CD content.
How long does it take to put a digital catalogue together ? The time required to complete your catalogue is dependent on many variables. The fomat, the format of the original files, catalogue size, features, scanning, and several others. However, a safe estimate is one day per 10 colour catalogue pages. Once we have determined the size, features and other factors with your catalogue we can give you a much more precise time estimate.
How many copies can I have ? You can have as many copies as you want. We can run copies for you to keep on hand, or as many as you need as you need them. This gives you the flexibility of having an endless supply without inventory; without waste; and equally as important, you can defer the traditional large cash outlays associated with print runs.